Wyrmspan plays up to 5 players, and it is flexible in size for various tables due to 3 smaller central boards (instead of a single big game board). Each player mat is 475x290mm (a little wider than Wingspan). It includes:
- 2 rulebooks (multiplayer and solo)
- 1 dragon fact book (32 pages)
- 5 player mats (cardboard)
- 5 adventurer meeples and 5 guild tokens
- 183 dragon cards (148 full-grown dragons and 35 hatchlings; 57x87mm)
- 75 cave cards (57x57mm)
- 4 dragon guilds
- 55 speckled egg tokens
- 10 double-sided objective tiles
- 45 shiny cardboard coins
- 10 quick-start cards (2 cards per player; 57x87mm)
- 17 Automa solo mode cards (57x87mm)
- 1 box (296x296x70mm, and it weighs 2.6 kg)
- 2 containers with lids for eggs and resources
- 1 scorepad
- and more!