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Ticket To Ride: Map Collection #5- United Kingdom & Pennsylvania


In Ticket to Ride: United Kingdom you have to complete your train tickets just like in the original, but now you also have to invest in different technologies to help you achieve your destinations. You start in England and, as you have to travel between Scotland, England, Ireland, and Wales, you will have to buy the relevant technology card to enter the other countries.

Ticket To Ride: United Kingdom was designed by Alan R. Moon and published by Days of Wonder. It's for 2-4 players and takes about 30 to 60 minutes to play.

There is also a second game on the reverse of the game board called Ticket to Ride: Pennsylvania. Again the principle is much the same as the original, you have to complete train routes. This time, however, when you claim a route, you will gain a share of a company that is on the route you just claimed.

At the end of the game, you will collect points for your trains and then your shares in the companies. Ticket to Ride: Pennsylvania is for 2-5 players and also takes about 30 to 60 minutes.