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Team Yankee - Infantry Platoon France

A Section de Chasseurs is organised into three combat groups, each with seven men. Each group is further divided into a 300m team and a 600m team. The 300m team is armed with FAMAS assault rifles and anti-tank rifle grenades, while the 600m team are additionally armed with a 7.62mm NF1 machine-gun. The unit is also armed with a pair of short range anti-tank weapons, usually the 89mm LRAC (Lance-Roquettes AntiChar de 89 mm modéle F1) reusable rocket launcher, but some units are issued with the new disposable APILAS (Armor-Piercing Infantry Light Arm System) portable one-shot 112mm recoilless anti-tank weapon.

Metal components.

33 Miniatures
  ‣ 1 FAMAS Assault Rifle Team
  ‣ 5 FAMAS Teams with AC-58 Anti-tank Grenades
  ‣ 2 LRAC 89mm Anti-tank Teams
  ‣ 1 APILAS Anti-tank Team
  ‣ 2 Eryx Missile Teams,
5 Medium Bases
6 Small Bases

Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly are required.